


In January happened lot of things. New Year's Eve I celebrated with my friend Mája and others people in Olomouc. It was great start to year 2016.
In the first week I had a great preparation for entrance examination, because I had it on monday 1/11. After an entrance examination I waited a week for results and it was worth it.
I did it so in september I'll start the middle art school at Ostrava specialization industrial design. And I did it with my super cool friend Vaness so we are future classmates. 
Next weekend I visited Brno with my daddy and you could saw it HERE .
Than I had photoshoot for The Bloom brand and you could saw it HERE.
At the end of the January I had little ''one day holiday'' and I spent that time on mountains.
Finally I learnt basics of snowboarding and inhaled the fresh air.
That was my first month in 2016. I enjoyed it so much and I can't wait for February.
I hoped you enjoyed it too.
See you soon.

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